MUSIC Lab at SUSTech

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» [10 Apr 2019] » Dr. Xiaomeng Gao receives the Best Young Professional Paper Award at WAMICON2019
» [01 Feb 2019] » DART Lab to Advance to Phase 3 of the DARPA SPAR Program
» [23 May 2018] » Songjie Defended his PhD Degree
» [20 Jan 2018] » DART Lab to Advance to Phase 2 of the DARPA SPAR Program
» [07 Mar 2017] » DART Lab Awarded NSF STTR Phase II Project on Developing a Radar-based Wearable Heart Health Monitoring Device
» [08 Nov 2016] » DART Lab to Participate in DARPA SPAR program

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EEC 130A Introductory Electromagntics I

EEC 130A is the first undergraduate course in which students get exposed to the concept of electromagnetics. To provide a bridge between all the “magical” behaviors of high frequency systems and the students’ background in circuit analysis, we start with a treatment of transmission line theory from a circuit perspective. Having demonstrated the major difference between low frequency and high frequency circuits and systems, we then move on the study of the more “traditional” subjects of electrostatics, magnetostatics, and Maxwell’s equations. At the end of the course, we come back to transmission line (TEM lines in particular) unifying the field and circuit theories.